It would probably behoove people to understand that God can use whoever the heck God wants to use in order to accomplish His mission.
The Apostle Paul was a murderous denier of Christ right up until he wasn’t, and then he became the biggest spreader of Christ’s word in the Bible.
Beyond that: “working in the dark to serve the light” is a thing. Infiltration goes both ways and if you don’t think our guys infiltrated [them] at every turn - you are sadly mistaken.
No Purkiss, just NO. Normally, I agree with your posts, but you're off 100% here. Paul converted for certain but he didn't maintain his previous life and actions, he was a completely different man. You are mistaken as well with "working in the dark to serve the light", that is definitely not how God works, Satan uses that trick -- 2cor 11:14. There is no where in scripture that requests a righteous man go about as double agent to spread the light. That kind of rhetoric happens in the movies, and in sekrit agent missions.
I get it, people think Elon is some nerd hero. smartest billionaire alive, etc -- I do not, at all. I don't believe he truly flipped, he is being controlled. Look at his past associations, unlike the Apostle Paul, he hasn't changed hardly what so ever. I also have doubts he spent his own money to purchase twatter, more than likely it was money that was confiscated by white hats from some "unknown" slush fund originating in the Bahamas, Panama, or Switzerland.
Thanks Choctaw Sad for him.. It is no party for him.