Jair Bolsonaro won in 2018 with 57 million votes, his opponent received 44 million votes. In 2022 we are told Bolsonaro received 58 million votes, but Lula got 60 million?!?!? 17 million 'new voters' and nearly all of them going one way...
Sounds reminiscent of the 81 million votes Biden was credited with in 2020 and it should. This was ELECTION THEFT on a massive scale and the people of Brazil know it.
Prayers for the Brazilian people and prayers that this theft will be struck down and the criminals responsible be held accountable.
John Miranda
unlike the fuckery in this country the people saw it and now they are not going to let if go.........when is it our turn??
IMO will take the military - the white hat military - acting with the civilian population to rectify the results in Brazil.
America? Americans still have their heads up their tvs.
Reality has to hit an American normie like a hammer.
Oh, wait . . .