Standard is 440...long called "the devils tuning". 432 has always been considered the sacred tuning. All things in 3-space regardless of form have interior angles that reduce to "9". So as well when A above middle C is set to 432 Hz. Every note falls on a whole number reducible to 9. Because of the whole 11/12th thing no other tuning is possible to resolve in whole numbers (other than A) and none will reduce to any consistent number. Ancient ancient science...
It was restandardized. 432 heals. 440 hurts.
Is "standard" guitar tuning now 432Hz?
Standard is 440...long called "the devils tuning". 432 has always been considered the sacred tuning. All things in 3-space regardless of form have interior angles that reduce to "9". So as well when A above middle C is set to 432 Hz. Every note falls on a whole number reducible to 9. Because of the whole 11/12th thing no other tuning is possible to resolve in whole numbers (other than A) and none will reduce to any consistent number. Ancient ancient science...
This is far beyond my capabilities.