According to Isaiah 53 and history, God was pleased to crush Him (v.10), Christ poured out His life unto death (v. 12) (as you said), by the oppression of the hypocritical Jewish leaders he was lead to the slaughter, and He was then judged by the unjust Roman officials (v. 8). It was a cooperative venture.
Nobody killed Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He layed down his life and he gave up the ghost.
They crucified him but did not kill him. When he finally passed he said "it is finished".
He could have come off that tree any time he wanted. 73k angels at his disposal. He chose to obey unto death for us.
Bible says It's Christ in you the hope of glory
According to Isaiah 53 and history, God was pleased to crush Him (v.10), Christ poured out His life unto death (v. 12) (as you said), by the oppression of the hypocritical Jewish leaders he was lead to the slaughter, and He was then judged by the unjust Roman officials (v. 8). It was a cooperative venture.
Amen, Christ is us is the hope of glory.