Julian's Rum with the hot take on Elon's costume and the time on his watch - 10:32.
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Elon's not a "celebrity" Elon's an industrial genius. There's a difference.
Trump's "because we helped him . . ." comment was clearly made in reference to Tesla - but just as clearly this is Trump's method of covering explosive content with plausible deniability.
Trump covers Elon with heaps of praise like a soda jerk serving up his premium sundae covered with whipped cream, chopped peanuts and a cherry.
Trump is right and the heaps of praise are Elon's due.
So I think this post from JR and the comment from LOT are both excellent. It's these kinds of posts we keep coming here for.
Trump also said that Elon is full of shit.
And contrary to your own private definition, Elon Musk most certainly would be defined as a celebrity. Doesn't mean he isn't other things, but if ANYONE is a celebrity in the US right now, it's Elon.
celebrity sə-lĕb′rĭ-tē noun
One who is widely known and of great popular interest.
Fame or popular renown.
The condition of being celebrated; fame; renown; distinction: as, the celebrity of George Washington; the celebrity of Homer or of the Iliad.