All right go back to my comment and maybe you'll notice what I said and what I didn't say.
I did not say that that escatological position is only roughly 200 years old. What I was trying to convey is that it only started coming out of the very fringes of belief systems when that Bible was published which was the first Bible with eschatology notes in it or notes really. And was widely adapted hence causing a view of the end times that most people had previously not heard of to become widespread and unfortunately some seminaries were using this Bible extensively be taught to pastors that would be in positions of authority to continue to propagate this for the most part previously unheard of to most Christians position.
Now if you're actually interested in some great debates and discussions on it that YouTube link has a variety of stuff from debates to friendly discussions between all three different positions by some really really high level people on all sides of the aisle.
*Darby reported that he discovered the rapture teaching in 1827, three years before MacDonald had her vision."
I want you to think about what that means that means he wasn't introduced to that eschatological position till he was about 27 years old. Thus supporting my claim that it was a very very much fringe position.
Why he is considered to be the father of modern Dispensationalism and Futurism.
Cuz he found this little bastard eschatological position out in the woods where it had been neglected and hadn't run into anybody new in quite a while. He washed it off cleaned it up did some studies with it and Incorporated it into his Schofield reference Bible. That's where this little bastard child made lots and lots of friends.
What you need to do is consider why this was a very much Fringe viewpoint from whenever it was proposed that doesn't really matter logically. It's that we can clearly see it was introduced quite some time later and then adopted here and there and minuscule numbers until one of those persons ended up having a very influential and successful way too facilitate his uncommon position which was writing about it and publishing it in the very first study Bible which due to the way markets worked was the first one to get used by most pastors and preachers and teachers and seminary students.
And scripture tells us that in the last days it'll be like in the days of Noah now besides the examples they clearly gave us what else was symbolized there? Well we know that the ark was clearly symbolic of Christ. It had one door which was one way to salvation and Jesus said I am the door no one comes to the father through me. Those that were inside of the ark were safe from God's judgment just like those that are in Christ. It also shows us walking in perfect unity with Christ on the water through faith. Those are just a few of my favorites there's quite a few more.
So who was destroyed and who remained on earth? And it's supposed to be like that.
Let me give you another one. The wheat in the tears. The enemy came so it seeds amongst the wheat and God said to let them grow and when it comes time to harvest you just harvest as usual then while they're all spread out light it on fire and the tears will burn away and only the wheat remains.
So Jesus comes back in judgment and that would be the second time since destroying the city of Jerusalem and Temple by using Rome the seven headed seven horned beasts blah blah blah. But no stone was left on top of another which is another of many prophecies fulfilled.
Again I encourage you to just check out some of those discussions and debates in the playlist link I sent you. I used to be a pre-millennial dispensationalist and I've gone through all the arguments I found not only answers that were more than satisfactory to any issues that I had but since then I've also found tons of more things in parallels that I'm seeing that really make everything come alive.
God's favorite Bible verse is when he's speaking to Jesus and he says sit at my right hand while I make all of your enemies your footstool. That first appears more in scripture than any other verse. And he also said Jesus before
Psalm 2:8, NASB: Ask it of Me, and I will certainly give the nations as Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth as Your possession.
Do you think for second that Jesus forgot to ask? If not then he's raining making all of his enemies his footstool it just doesn't look like you thought it would just like his role as a messiah didn't look like the Jews thought it would look.
You've really arrived once you accept Post-Millennial eschatology. All this end times Rapture crap only really started 200 years ago.
God wins.
All right go back to my comment and maybe you'll notice what I said and what I didn't say.
I did not say that that escatological position is only roughly 200 years old. What I was trying to convey is that it only started coming out of the very fringes of belief systems when that Bible was published which was the first Bible with eschatology notes in it or notes really. And was widely adapted hence causing a view of the end times that most people had previously not heard of to become widespread and unfortunately some seminaries were using this Bible extensively be taught to pastors that would be in positions of authority to continue to propagate this for the most part previously unheard of to most Christians position.
Now if you're actually interested in some great debates and discussions on it that YouTube link has a variety of stuff from debates to friendly discussions between all three different positions by some really really high level people on all sides of the aisle.
*Darby reported that he discovered the rapture teaching in 1827, three years before MacDonald had her vision."
I want you to think about what that means that means he wasn't introduced to that eschatological position till he was about 27 years old. Thus supporting my claim that it was a very very much fringe position.
Why he is considered to be the father of modern Dispensationalism and Futurism.
Cuz he found this little bastard eschatological position out in the woods where it had been neglected and hadn't run into anybody new in quite a while. He washed it off cleaned it up did some studies with it and Incorporated it into his Schofield reference Bible. That's where this little bastard child made lots and lots of friends.
What you need to do is consider why this was a very much Fringe viewpoint from whenever it was proposed that doesn't really matter logically. It's that we can clearly see it was introduced quite some time later and then adopted here and there and minuscule numbers until one of those persons ended up having a very influential and successful way too facilitate his uncommon position which was writing about it and publishing it in the very first study Bible which due to the way markets worked was the first one to get used by most pastors and preachers and teachers and seminary students.
And scripture tells us that in the last days it'll be like in the days of Noah now besides the examples they clearly gave us what else was symbolized there? Well we know that the ark was clearly symbolic of Christ. It had one door which was one way to salvation and Jesus said I am the door no one comes to the father through me. Those that were inside of the ark were safe from God's judgment just like those that are in Christ. It also shows us walking in perfect unity with Christ on the water through faith. Those are just a few of my favorites there's quite a few more.
So who was destroyed and who remained on earth? And it's supposed to be like that.
Let me give you another one. The wheat in the tears. The enemy came so it seeds amongst the wheat and God said to let them grow and when it comes time to harvest you just harvest as usual then while they're all spread out light it on fire and the tears will burn away and only the wheat remains.
So Jesus comes back in judgment and that would be the second time since destroying the city of Jerusalem and Temple by using Rome the seven headed seven horned beasts blah blah blah. But no stone was left on top of another which is another of many prophecies fulfilled.
Again I encourage you to just check out some of those discussions and debates in the playlist link I sent you. I used to be a pre-millennial dispensationalist and I've gone through all the arguments I found not only answers that were more than satisfactory to any issues that I had but since then I've also found tons of more things in parallels that I'm seeing that really make everything come alive.
God's favorite Bible verse is when he's speaking to Jesus and he says sit at my right hand while I make all of your enemies your footstool. That first appears more in scripture than any other verse. And he also said Jesus before
Psalm 2:8, NASB: Ask it of Me, and I will certainly give the nations as Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth as Your possession.
Do you think for second that Jesus forgot to ask? If not then he's raining making all of his enemies his footstool it just doesn't look like you thought it would just like his role as a messiah didn't look like the Jews thought it would look.