posted ago by winn ago by winn +71 / -0



It just hit me how the deepstate likes to do it: this bill doesn't seem to actually DO anything, it simply FORMS A "Task Force" , and then once that happens I assume that whatever THEY come up with will be executive-ordered right on through, or rammed thru congress like ACA was in 2010.

Their bill would fail, so they create a "Task Force" to basically give them a spring board to launch whatever fuckery they decide on at a more opportune time. It's basically a bill that gives the gov't a blank check. Whatever muh task force recommends we will do. Nevermind putting the specifics in a bill. This is a roundabout way to pass shit without our consent.

Fuck the Digital ID. I'm not showing my ID to use the internet. Delete ALL my personal info from every place it shouldn't be. NSA I'm talking to YOU. Make it illegal to sell my data to 3rd parties. Make it a painful crime to post my personal data on the web for scrapers, and on websites for hackers or ID thieves. That's the only thing that needs to happen.
