This is an open discussion on anything relating to the Deltas for today, but we can also discuss other Deltas too.
Please give us your comments and input! All is appreciated! 😊
If you need to study the Deltas from the beginning, check out ArchiveAnon's Q post Archive. He's doing a good job.
Follow him on TRUTH:
Today’s Q-Clock [ 0:53 Minutes ] Is pointing to & mentions : Was the Truth revealed re: FISA/Dossier? Important Marker. Think Connections D5, FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE. FOIA DOES NOT INCLUDE FISA. DECLAS BY POTUS KEY PARTS THAT FACTUALLY DEMONSTRATE THE ‘DIRTY’ ‘FAKE’ DOSSIER WAS USED AS PRIMARY SOURCE TO SECURE HIGHERST LEVEL OF INTEL SPYING ON PRIMARY REPUBLICAN OPPONENT. (+POST ELECTION (INTEL ASSETS FOREIGN / DOMESTIC SPYING ON POTUS. PUBLIC AWARENESS – FISA/SPYING FOUNDATION BUILT ON HUBER., Sealed indictments, Wikileake ‘Maggie” drops – Be ‘extremely’ vigilant in December., EXTREME PANIC IN [DC], CORSI > [attempt infiltrate] CORSI PLEA DEAL, WHITAKER 9in conjunction with OIG approved the release of classified docs 1-4 are requested by house committee and ordered by POTUS., What if the house fails prior to majority change? , THE SPIDER WEB CONNECTS THOSE MOST TRUSTED, THOSE MOST RICH, THOSE MOST POWERFUL, __________, What happens when the PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH[magnitude] regarding Dem party corruption? Regarding [FAKE NEWS] sheep no more, The Clinton foundation – Fact: Ukraine is the single largest Clinton Foundation donor, Chairman Graham, it's time., Covid 19 narrative kill date: Election day +1
Today's 180° mirror Sorry, didn’t have time to do the mirror. Having computer problems.
Disclaimer: I manually type the comments above and sometimes make mistakes. Please use the image links or the Q-Clock link to research, verify & analyze how these drops can be applied to current events. You may notice & interpret things differently and better than me.
Thanks for all of your efforts for us! 👏