posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +30 / -0



tweet reply: SIDS, by definition, occurs in children too young to received the measles vaccine, doesn't it?

Gorski: Pretty much, but the age of peak SIDS incidence (2-3 months of age) does correlate with other vaccines.

there is it folks.

a man who is a so-called expert in breast cancer,

playing the role of "jack of all trades, and master of none"

implying that its perfectly normal psychology to want to shoot up dead germs in a misguided effort to save your own life from a mild childhood infection,

and implying that anyone who doesn't participate in this quackery, is the actual quack.

heroin junkie: i shoot up, to stay well.

vaccine junkie: i shoot up, to stay well.

can you think of any other medical procedure, that has such a cult-like following?

oh yeah, abortion...

is it a coincidence that both of these procedures are promoted by the exact same people?

abortion isn't health care.

real health care doesn't necessitate a baby dying.

real health care would be saving a baby's life, not taking a baby's life.