And says the Lord of Hosts: The liars, the deceivers in this hour, WILL be exposed, and it will be costly to them as they willfully lied and caused unnecessary paranoia to lead people astray, and BUILD THEIR PLATFORMS, NOT MY PLATFORM SAYS THE LORD OF HOSTS; THEIR PLATFORMS. They have built nothing on Me and My glory, but their own - with their dark closets that they have guarded, and those locks are being broken. And what has been hidden, upon My command says the Lord, shall be marched out.
Word of the Lord 9Apr2022, given to Amanda Grace Ark of Grace Ministries
And says the Lord of Hosts: The liars, the deceivers in this hour, WILL be exposed, and it will be costly to them as they willfully lied and caused unnecessary paranoia to lead people astray, and BUILD THEIR PLATFORMS, NOT MY PLATFORM SAYS THE LORD OF HOSTS; THEIR PLATFORMS. They have built nothing on Me and My glory, but their own - with their dark closets that they have guarded, and those locks are being broken. And what has been hidden, upon My command says the Lord, shall be marched out.