Those RINOS are hitching their future on getting on his good side because they are politicians and they think he might be a future President - I don't think that makes DeSantis a RINO. Many of those same RINOS did the same under Trump once he was elected. Remember Mittens begging PDJT for a place in his administration? Miss Lindsey sure seemed to like kissing Trump's ass once No Name was out of the picture. How about Cocain Mitch begging Trump for an endorsement (which Trump gave, by the way)? Did any of that make Trump a RINO by association?
Well couple of things. It was a red flag for me with Trump then and still one of the things I wish he had done differently. Also then it wasnt quite so clear how much the deep state rinos hate this country and true patriots. Mitt was a wishy washy centrist until Trump completely exposed him. I also simply made the case I dont like it, and that we will see. Doesnt turn into a trump vs desantis battle for me at this point and i refuse to fight with you or anyone else between those two. I like trump better and desantis right behind him. If this cycle all those same rinos were backing trump and fighting to get him in position i certainly would wonder what in the world it was about and i wouldnt feel as comfortable that he is who i think he is. Thats all. Have a great day friend
I was not meaning to seem confrontational - I asked a question because I knew the answer - No, those things did not make Trump a RINO and I think it is premature for people to label DeSantis a RINO for the exact same reasons. RINOS will always exist and they will do or say (and back) whatever it takes to remain in the posistions they are in.
I didnt really take as confrontation, was just conversing with you but wanted to make sure you knew i wasnt escalating by disagreeing. If you look at my first post I never said anything about desantis being a Rino by association. I just dont like the vultures circling in and hope he isnt trying to use them for his political success and and I hope he sees them for what they are and keeps them out of any political plans for his future. And then everyone wins, :) except the loser rinos
And one other part i didnt address, I didnt say desantis was a rino and i dont think them trying to align and corrupt him makes him one. I dont think he is, but i know that cast of characters well and i dont want any of them anywhere near our govt. Have an even better day, :)
Those RINOS are hitching their future on getting on his good side because they are politicians and they think he might be a future President - I don't think that makes DeSantis a RINO. Many of those same RINOS did the same under Trump once he was elected. Remember Mittens begging PDJT for a place in his administration? Miss Lindsey sure seemed to like kissing Trump's ass once No Name was out of the picture. How about Cocain Mitch begging Trump for an endorsement (which Trump gave, by the way)? Did any of that make Trump a RINO by association?
Well couple of things. It was a red flag for me with Trump then and still one of the things I wish he had done differently. Also then it wasnt quite so clear how much the deep state rinos hate this country and true patriots. Mitt was a wishy washy centrist until Trump completely exposed him. I also simply made the case I dont like it, and that we will see. Doesnt turn into a trump vs desantis battle for me at this point and i refuse to fight with you or anyone else between those two. I like trump better and desantis right behind him. If this cycle all those same rinos were backing trump and fighting to get him in position i certainly would wonder what in the world it was about and i wouldnt feel as comfortable that he is who i think he is. Thats all. Have a great day friend
I was not meaning to seem confrontational - I asked a question because I knew the answer - No, those things did not make Trump a RINO and I think it is premature for people to label DeSantis a RINO for the exact same reasons. RINOS will always exist and they will do or say (and back) whatever it takes to remain in the posistions they are in.
I didnt really take as confrontation, was just conversing with you but wanted to make sure you knew i wasnt escalating by disagreeing. If you look at my first post I never said anything about desantis being a Rino by association. I just dont like the vultures circling in and hope he isnt trying to use them for his political success and and I hope he sees them for what they are and keeps them out of any political plans for his future. And then everyone wins, :) except the loser rinos
And one other part i didnt address, I didnt say desantis was a rino and i dont think them trying to align and corrupt him makes him one. I dont think he is, but i know that cast of characters well and i dont want any of them anywhere near our govt. Have an even better day, :)