Going against Trump means going against the policies that make America great. DeSantis has mirrored every Trump policy here and that is the foundation for his support. Policies Floridians have demanded.
Florida has always gotten a bad rap but over the last 4 years we have had it better than any state in the nation.
We're not going back for anyone or anything.
It occurred to me as I posted my comment that DeSantis also has to contend with the Republican establishment here in Florida, which is very corrupt, mirroring the slime of Washington with its buddy system and backroom deals. They don't want Trump anymore than Democrats do because he threatens the sweet situation they've built for themselves.
explain please. not being snarky just explain for someone that doesn't have any idea what you're talking about.
There is an old Republican establishment in Florida with connections to each other at a variety of levels. It is the reason a thing like the Finders could exist in secret for so long and then get swept under the judicial rug when it was exposed, and it's the reason we got RINOs like Jeb Bush and Charlie Crist for Governors before DeSantis. It is only the popular uprising associated with Trump that has begun to break it. This is not to say that every Republican here is bad, of course not, but the insiders who are a part of the system have a stake in protecting it, and a popular Trump still threatens them because the people who love him are no fans of corruption.