475 Are Jews the ones teaching whites to hate themselves??? Is this real? (twitter.com) FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBI posted 2 years ago by escapefromearth 2 years ago by escapefromearth +476 / -1 230 comments share 230 comments share save hide report block hide replies
It's okay, bro. Kanye's got you. Always.
This is a functionally meaningless retort. You are as astute and cognizant as a stick in a bucket of pig swill.
Nah I think you're just pissy your folks are being called out and can't let it go. Like Ben Shapiro firing Owens. It's okay wittle guy
Nice comeback.
The baby talk is not really cutting the mustard, it makes you sound simple.
Speaking of mustard, I gotta eat so you have a huge break to think up a reply that does not make you sound functionally illiterate.