Q just posted “Your vote matters”
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Yeah, and the confusing part about that is that Trump IS in office, at least as CinC and "Joe", Trump's gammaboy, is making absolute fools of the whole democrat establishment all day, every day.
That much of the plan is pretty clear, fairly obvious. We controlled 2016 and could have stopped the steal in 2020 if we had really wanted to. We didn't want to.
Meahwhile, Trump's pal, Putin, takes apart the globalist nazi regime in Ukraine, the worldwide hub of money laundering and about on par with Wuhan for bioweapons reasarch (and Harvard?).
The part of the plan I don't get (yet) is the part about the "vaccines" and the megadeath that is coming in their wake.
My feeling is that the vaccines would have been much worse if Trump hadn't rushed them to being exposed earlier than they planned.