Okay, that babyfist thing was bullshit - there was so much FUD going on at that time. Even the first delta by the new Q was questionable, but the second delta - people saw it live so was not faked.
I still am open to either the new or the old or whichever being the real one, once Potus confirms it.
This means the fake Q could've posted dozens of those messages without the tripcode and then cherry picked the 2 messages that had deltas and start using their tripcode again.
Okay, that babyfist thing was bullshit - there was so much FUD going on at that time. Even the first delta by the new Q was questionable, but the second delta - people saw it live so was not faked.
I still am open to either the new or the old or whichever being the real one, once Potus confirms it.
Notice how the supposed deltas were not posted with a trip code, see the fake Q just posted under "Anonymous" and then used the tripcode to reply to them with "Established".
This means the fake Q could've posted dozens of those messages without the tripcode and then cherry picked the 2 messages that had deltas and start using their tripcode again.
Was not referring to those. Those did not have deltas.