Here is the clip for what Trump said:
Biden goes and pleads with OPEC.
I always called it Opec+, you know that right?
Anons quickly realised + and +++ were mentioned in today's delta:
So, Q proof, hurray, thats it right?
What do +, ++ and +++ represent:
From Q Post 133
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
Now, what happened to House of Saud (+++) ?
It was taken down on Nov 3rd 2017, QPost 72 is when Anon's realise it for the first time.
So Trump mentions (+) and (+++) on a delta and 3 days after the anniversary of taking down (+++).
So why did he say (+) ?
He is hinting at Soros.
Two days before the elections.
Soros is the guy who spent $120+ million trying to rid the elections.
Trump is saying that Soros will be taken down just like the (+++) was taken down.
Hedgies r fukt.