373 🔴 DECISION 2022: LIVE MIDTERM ELECTION RESULTS [BEGINS @ 6:00 PM EST, NOV 8TH] (rumble.com) 𝙇𝙀𝙏'𝙎 𝙑𝙊𝙊𝙤𝙊𝙤𝙏𝙀!!! posted 2 years ago by Qanaut [M] 2 years ago by Qanaut +374 / -1 151 comments share 151 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Why is the registered number of voters for my state greater than the population? On Fox news...
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WTAF the page days 10 million population and over 12 million registered voters!
https://www.populationu.com/us/north-carolina-population Confirms population 10.67 million
https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegStat/Results/?date=11%2F08%2F2022 7.41 million registered voters (still high imo)
You forgot to count the dead people
wish I knew what that deleted comment said to you but yea the discrepancy is too big to be an error...i dont know. estimate is one thing but this is off. I havent cross checked any other sites just noticing a lot of inconsistencies today online.