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Katie Hobbs knew this and it is a done deal. She will win.
I don't think you realize that in person voting by Republicans outpaced Democrats four to one.
So if you want to be a doomer go do that somewhere else. God wins.
I am not a doomer I am just tired. I just saw the news (ours) online and anybody that see the results will be like me. By the way, this link is Arizona only How about PA Fetterman is winning, Whitmer is winning, Schumer won Walker in Georgia? Did you know about that?
Listen I'm not going to get drawn away from this subject that actually know about. I'm sure there's plenty of other people that can address those elections but I'm not one of them.
What I do know is that you're basing your entire opinion about this election off of the numbers that are primarily from the mail-in early voting which was primarily done by democrats. And in person voting was four to one Republican over Democrat and those votes have not been counted yet and are not part of the current numbers. So your assumption is based off of the Democrats preferred way to vote and you're not even waiting for the Republicans preferred way to vote which isn't very intelligent. Maybe you're just tired and you're not thinking straight so go take a nap instead of posting illogical and unfounded assertions on the Great Awakening.
I know you are trying to be very positive, If you believe in God like I am do not insult me please. I didn’t to you. Anyways Tomorrow is another day and have to go to work. Hope you are right.