That's what I was thinking, along with the other amendment voting for the expansion of local gov power over selling public property ..
Statewide Amendment 7
“Proposing an amendment to revise Amendment 772 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, to specify that all counties and municipalities may exercise the authority and powers granted by Amendment 772 to provide for economic and industrial development; to permit notice for Amendment 772 projects to be published in any newspaper in circulation in the county or municipality; and to ratify all actions and agreements of any county or municipality done under Amendment 772 unless subject to pending judicial proceedings on the date of adoption of this amendment. (Proposed by Act 2022-286)”
A “Yes” vote means you’re voting for an expansion of local governments’ power over moves like selling public property, issuing bonds or leasing property to private entities.
A “No” vote means the current law stands.
Then they kill me with this statement under pretty all the amendments, like that's going to make my choice easier ...
This amendment was unanimously agreed upon by both the House and Senate.
After further review, this is a bad idea. Basically using public funds illegally for what they were never meant to be collected for.
They used my property tax (just like this one, almost identical) in Cobb County, GA to fund their new stadium. Totally illegal. Never addressed.
Its just another tax, with the promise of mis-appropriated use.
That's what I was thinking, along with the other amendment voting for the expansion of local gov power over selling public property ..
Statewide Amendment 7
“Proposing an amendment to revise Amendment 772 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, to specify that all counties and municipalities may exercise the authority and powers granted by Amendment 772 to provide for economic and industrial development; to permit notice for Amendment 772 projects to be published in any newspaper in circulation in the county or municipality; and to ratify all actions and agreements of any county or municipality done under Amendment 772 unless subject to pending judicial proceedings on the date of adoption of this amendment. (Proposed by Act 2022-286)”
A “Yes” vote means you’re voting for an expansion of local governments’ power over moves like selling public property, issuing bonds or leasing property to private entities.
A “No” vote means the current law stands.
Then they kill me with this statement under pretty all the amendments, like that's going to make my choice easier ...