I have said it repeatedly, this movie has more twists and turns than any rollercoaster I've ever seen.
We all wanted and expected Trump to be back in the WH long before this. But maybe it really did have to be this way. We are seeing record turn out all over the country. We are seeing highly motivated people standing in long lines to vote. We are also seeing plenty of .. shall we say .. malarky? And ALL eyes are on those parts of the country and ALL people voting know what's what BECAUSE of the 2020 election and BECAUSE of what we have endured and witnessed these past two years.
So, maybe we really did have to go through all this muckety muck to get to the point that enough people had their eyes wide open and were NOT going to let the BHs get away with a steal again. And maybe, just maybe, these new nefarious goings on will cause some newly opened eyes to realize what we've been saying all along is true - 2020 was STOLEN. And NOW, you see the proof. And maybe now, something can be done about it.
"Let's see what happens."
Well, it’s been difficult to say the least to Awaken the amount we’re supposed to. Day after day when driving through my city, I see so many people just passing by asleep to what is going on. All they care about is their paycheck and getting home, regardless of the politics that affect them, their family, neighbors, community, or county.
We are nothing like Brazil. Those people have nothing compared to us and they’ve brought the country to a stand still. We have everything. Renters or owners by law have 30 days before being served an eviction notice and can still fight it in court. Yet we take no chance ourselves to bring the country to a stand still. Seemly more worried about what social media will say about us than turning it off, deleting it all, and making a public stand. The protests in the 60s were the last time people stood up to a point to bring things to a stop!
Wonderland has been kind, but also has destroyed our sense of standing up together and fighting the corporations and government. Until we can do this once again, or end up in a true kinetic civil war, we may never stop The Cabal fully.
I still encounter people who have never heard of Ivermectin or who have no idea there are doctors against the vaxxes, etc. I do often wonder what world they are living in. A bubble, to say the least. As for waking people up, my own personal take on that has been that Q was being generous with 4-6%. I see it as more likely to match the percentage of fallen angels - around 30%. We shall see, I suppose.
I had hoped good news here would help the Brazilians stay the course and result in good news there. With so many races stolen again, I hope they don't get away with it there, too. Why else would they be waiting until today to release the result? Thanks for your comment.
Yes i can be frustrated by what I see day by day, but I’m glad this election US Space Force monitored and recorded it all. And now they have several election cycles to match everything up to bomb The Cabal with the truth. NCSWIC is coming for them.
That is my hope!
I must confess, I am a little confused about Space Force being involved. We know it's not because of biden. So if the patriots are in control and they made sure Space Force was on it, by whose actual orders did SF monitor? It's just a sticky wicket because, if it is made known publicly that ultimately, Trump / Q was behind it, then that's fodder for the left to scream about fraud. But if they try to paint it as the biden admin doing it for the good of the country, nobody will believe that. Not even the left.
My question has ALWAYS been about the mechanics of the Military in Control. Who makes that call, exactly? Who finally pulls the trigger and says, Okay, it's go time? There are so many branches of the military. Who takes the lead? I really wish I knew how that would work. Regardless, I agree. NCSWIC.