Completely impossible. They would NEVER line up like this. Never in a million years. You wouldn't get these numbers with TWO precincts reporting every 15 minutes, much less hundreds. The only way to have them perfectly apart like this would be to have ONE precinct. Since they don't have one precinct, they must have one system. One big, fat, corrupted system. It is the ONLY way this happens.
So both candidates got the same amount of votes at the same times? Those lines don’t look “organic” at all…
Completely impossible. They would NEVER line up like this. Never in a million years. You wouldn't get these numbers with TWO precincts reporting every 15 minutes, much less hundreds. The only way to have them perfectly apart like this would be to have ONE precinct. Since they don't have one precinct, they must have one system. One big, fat, corrupted system. It is the ONLY way this happens.
looks like the stock market manipulation too