FROGS! IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY. The rest of this week is a test of our commitment to WINNING. Today, zillions of new pedes feel exactly how we felt in 2020. The entire country sees what we see: a blatant steal in AZ, a literal gimp shoved down our throats in PA. This is the darkness before the dawn.

It did not HAVE to be this way, and yet it was. It could have been numerous other ways, but none of those possibilities happened. Disagreeing with the apparent decisions to choose this path over various others, is not "dOoMiNg". There comes a point when even the most loyal soldier must question the competence and intentions of his commanders. Have we reached that point? When is enough, enough?
Please tell us your grand plan that brilliant minds in the military were incapable of coming up with on their own.
It's not a very complex plan really. Enforce the law.
Gee, why didn't anyone else in the world think of that?
Could it be it's not that simple?
Why not?
Or could be a lack of a nutsack to do one's job? Or could be never having the intent to do one's job?