Why? bc the more they counted their ONLY 2 blue counties, which are the biggest and ones they rely on--the gap was closing. And oopsie it closed on one, Washoe, which they rely on to stay blue.
-Senate and Gov both leading RED, they stopped
-One of their 2 blues, turned red, and they stopped counting bc it kept getting MORE red
-Their relied upon big blue (where I live and is NOT blue in truth) was getting so light blue, with the gap blue ahead by 11-13% now at 3-5%--so they stopped.
PLease watch NV everyone. We not blue and they stole it big in 2020 and its harder now but they are trying. btw all residents here received 2 mail in ballots--TWO. They are trying to cheat, please all eyes on NV.
ETA: They know the votes left are strongly red. WHy? Maybe partly bc so many of us voted on elec day, for the first time instead of early voting. I am grateful for the R canvassers that said if we could do that it would make it harder for them to cheat. So now what are the criminals doing? Trying to figure out how to make red votes turn blue. They are terrified to continue counting their only 2 blue counties, bc 1 flipped red the more they counted. And their big one is going to too. Look for pallets of ballots.
Yes, I am. And my daughter was a first time voter and she's more conservative than me!
ETA: I think they underestimated Gen Z and their anger about the lock downs, the face masks, distance learning, etc. Her public high school had quite a few very loud shit disturbers. They even attended and spoke at the rallies in Reno. I think their parents saw their hurt and anger and voted against everyone who brought this hell to their children.
Ive got a first time voter daughter too! also very conservative
I have a 17yr old son - he is very conservative...as are his friends. There is some hope.
Yay!! Praying for a new crop of conservative Patriotic kids. Just wait until the TRUTH is revealed! 💥
Yay for conservative kids! Hopefully they will be able to turn this country around when they start taking political office. Mine won't ever run for office but she'd be willing to work hard to get someone elected!
I’ve got a millenial and a Gen Z (both girls) who are conservative. They each got their dream jobs stolen from them because of Covid. They will forever be shaped by what happened to them.