Enough with the dooming and glooming. I know we're getting aggravated, either waiting for something to happen or not. Don't forget WE are just as responsible as everyone else is.
THEY are trying to ware us down, 'there was not red wave', 'DeSantis 2024', 'Trumps finished.'
I like DeSantis as my governor, glad he won, but I'm not giving up on Trump, he hasn't given up on us. Come on man! They are trying to belittle and demean MAGA. If we're in the business of exposing the corruptiong, pushing to hold them accountable, then continue to be vigilant, the fight must continue. Continue to watch and get these teachers out of schools who push CRT and transgenderism. Continue to organize in your communities.
Chin up!
It's a fake failure psyop, designed to kill morale and weaken resolve. Don't bite. They won some races thru fraud, but the deep state LOST ground last night. This is a war, yesterday was just one big battle. Let's keep moving forward -- victory goes to the righteous and the brave.