posted ago by dec3169 ago by dec3169 +20 / -0

I've been kicking around a theory all day today and decided to post it to see what you guys think. What if the cheating we know happened was Deep State uniparty cheating, and not just Democrat cheating?

I think it is possible that the DS decided to cheat in specific races, and plan it so that the Republicans would have a narrow majority in the House, but the Senate would stay tied. They would have their favorites elected of course - dems and reps - and then pick the extra Republicans as needed to give them a small majority. Then at the same time they would make sure the Senate stays tied so they still have the majority with Kamala's vote. This result would be trumpeted as proof that there was no election fraud because both sides won, and it wouldn't hurt the DS at all.

By doing that, the DS would give the Republicans the chance to have all the hearings and investigations they want, and even impeachments, with no danger of a Senate conviction. Besides - McCarthy (one of their guys) said he is not doing impeachments if he is elected Speaker.

The Republicans wouldn't get anything else done in the House, and nothing would come from the investigations of course. Then in 2 years the Democrats would be able to say that the Republicans had the House for 2 years, and the only thing they did was try to take political revenge on their enemies. The Democrats would decimate the Republicans in 2024 because the Republicans did nothing, and the Dems could cheat as much as they like because everyone by then will expect a blue wave. It would also likely reelect Joe or whatever person they put in his place when they 25th him next year. The Democrats would then declare a mandate from the people, and usher in everything they want like the Green New Deal, EVs, DC/Puerto Rico states, court packing, mandates, abortion legislation, gun confiscation, DEI/ESG/CRT - every woke thing they can dream up.

I don't know if this is what they are doing, but it would be a brilliant plan if they are. It would also complete the destruction of the US. I think a lot will depend on how the 4 outstanding Senate races go. If they split 2-2 or they win 3-1 the Senate will be Blue. I also think the Walker/Warnock GA race was severely messed with to ensure a runoff in December. This will allow them to see how bad they have to cheat and will give them a month to formulate a plan.

If this is what is happening things will get REALLY bad for us. I really hope the Trump announcement on the 15th is either announcing the storm, or announcing that we trapped them and SCOTUS reveals that they have already ruled in our favor. Otherwise the military is the only way.