The gap maintained by dumps that mirror the movements of the other graph line shows that an ALGO was plainly the cause. manipulation - deceipt - cheating. people don't vote evenly over time in the same numbers EVER.
Now do something about it. From what I can tell MI is as red, deep red as your reddest states. They have been robbed for years. I doubt their props passed legally either.
I think props 1 & 2 passed due to their deceitful wording. Who's not for term limits? Who's not for secure elections (besides the cheaters)? Only prop 3 counter arguments got any air time, so there was likely cheating on that one.
After a break to hear from our sponsor, Pfizer, we'll explain how ballot (D)rops are a good thing
Good stuff, they over compensated twice. The second time was even sloppier than the first.
And necessary. It means they knew how many final ballots the R was going to get, and they bumped it over that margin
Mike ROCKS!!!
The gap maintained by dumps that mirror the movements of the other graph line shows that an ALGO was plainly the cause. manipulation - deceipt - cheating. people don't vote evenly over time in the same numbers EVER.
of course they we need to do something about it.....
Now do something about it. From what I can tell MI is as red, deep red as your reddest states. They have been robbed for years. I doubt their props passed legally either.
I think props 1 & 2 passed due to their deceitful wording. Who's not for term limits? Who's not for secure elections (besides the cheaters)? Only prop 3 counter arguments got any air time, so there was likely cheating on that one.