This is not the first time states have been shuffled when citizens come to an impasse with the state where they reside. West Virginia is one that comes to mind. The foundations for this type of move have been done in the past and the remedy for this is spelled out in the Constitution. Like amendments to the Constitution, leaving one state and joining another, or starting a new state, is not supposed to be easy. It will be an uphill battle and will take time. It will only succeed in the end if those involved persevere.
This is not the first time states have been shuffled when citizens come to an impasse with the state where they reside. West Virginia is one that comes to mind. The foundations for this type of move have been done in the past and the remedy for this is spelled out in the Constitution. Like amendments to the Constitution, leaving one state and joining another, or starting a new state, is not supposed to be easy. It will be an uphill battle and will take time. It will only succeed in the end if those involved persevere.