BioClandestine: "Trump straight up admitted the beef is fake. . . This not only proves the DeSantis fight was fake, it adds further validity to prior 'beefs' that we thought to be theater. Like Sessions, Rosenstein, even Mueller, etc. . . Trump is engaged in high-level game theory."

If you read what President Trump wrote in regards to DeSantis and listen to his remarks, you can tell its all a show. He is being way too overdramatic and theatrical for this not to be a well choreographed script. He even seems to be enjoying it, like his banter with the 2016 candidates. Some of those 2016 candidates have returned as allies, like Marko Rubio. Remember he used to call him "Little Marko." 😂
Many Anons tend to forget that before President Trump was in politics, and after he made his fortune in real estate, he was a television producer and star. He knows how to put on a hell of a good show!
He is the pied piper, leading out the rats.
C'mon handshake, did you even read this post or just the title?
judas goat...leading the sheep (ben shapiro) to slaughter
One thing you can say about Shapiro is you could always detect his never Trump. It's just been ramped up and way more out in the open lately.