Some states, such as SC, have privacy rules. NC is required to publicize the winner's name as proof that a real person won the money. So you might wear a disguise and use an odd form of your name (but still legal) when you go to Raleigh to claim the prize. I plan to use my middle name instead of my first name. If, on camera, they ask me anything about where I live, I will name a street in Raleigh and say I used to live there. I actually did, so I won't be lying.
Can you tell I've done a lot of thinking about this? :)
Who actually won? Do they even announce that or “for security reasons” they keep it private.
Just guessing that if Epstein and Hollywood Henderson can win the lottery twice each, its rigged.
Some states, such as SC, have privacy rules. NC is required to publicize the winner's name as proof that a real person won the money. So you might wear a disguise and use an odd form of your name (but still legal) when you go to Raleigh to claim the prize. I plan to use my middle name instead of my first name. If, on camera, they ask me anything about where I live, I will name a street in Raleigh and say I used to live there. I actually did, so I won't be lying.
Can you tell I've done a lot of thinking about this? :)