posted ago by sourcesPlease ago by sourcesPlease +66 / -0

The Guarantee Clause in our Constitution guarantees you will be provided a Republican form of government.

What is a Republican form of government? It is a government that is formed through free and fair elections.

The word Election means something.

We no longer have elections in this country, at least in some jurisdictions.

Interestingly, courts have consistently ruled that disputes about the Guarantee Clause are a political question, and can’t be settled in the courts.

So if the courts can’t settle it and the people you wrongly believe are your representatives won’t handle it, where does the authority to change it lie?

In the seat of all power in this country: YOU, the citizen.

YOU, PA citizens.

YOU, Maricopa County citizens.

YOU, citizens of NY, and Clark County, and every other place where free and fair elections are a myth.

I know you’ve never lived in a free country but if you want your freedom it’s there for the taking. Why? Because you are GUARANTEED a REPUBLICAN form of government. It’s the law of the land.

Wakey, wakey.