McCarthy is a Deep State controlled RINO. He is part of the UniParty, and he needs to be removed. If there was a Red Tsunami, McCarthy as notional Republican leader, would have claimed credit in order to ensure his election as Speaker of the House.
"No Red Wave", even though this is a FALSE NARRATIVE being pushed by MSM, it is being weaponized against the Republican leadership to replace them all, and McCarthy is one of them.
I personally notified McCarthy with lots of irrefutable evidence of election fraud in California in 2020 via email. And I dug and dug and then stopped once I uncovered evidence that he had rigged his own election as well. UniParty! Every race in California was rigged in 2020 with Hammer and Scorecard (pre-determined win margins), and McCarthy knew about it. This is why he must go.
A new Speaker of the House will be selected, and there will be a huge fight over it starting on Tuesday. The loophole of the Speaker of the House being unelected and selectable from the general population of U.S. Citizens is likely a Deep State loophole put in place to allow them to put their person in place and then assassinate POTUS and VP in order to take control. This loophole should probably be closed and appears to be a major threat to the Republic given the power of the President and the fact that we have been under a National Emergency since 1933.
Trump will likely announce that he is running for Speaker in order to force the lame duck session to pass legislation to prohibit that. This will be a feint to trick the Deep State, but they have no choice because they can't have him as Speaker. If they don't close the loophole then he becomes Speaker and completely dismantles them on an even faster timeline. My theory is that the Speaker of the House (Pelosi) is currently the "Acting President" and that role will be transferred to the new Speaker, so the Deep State will do everything in their power to block Trump including new legislation, imo.
In addition, New leadership candidates for Republican Party chair and Senate Majority Leader will be announced. And these will likely include Trump's picks although there may be a public fight about it as a show for the Deep State and normies.
Hope it true. Watch out for the tyranny's Offer/Bargain though. This is where the public's anger is assuaged by replacing the tyrannical leader, but the replacement is just another, if not worse, tyrant.
It's the oldest play in the books that goes back more than 8000 years for controlling the populace.
Like Cuomo being replaced by Hochul?
Yep, did you notice all the Lock-down governors that sent sick people into retirement homes and destroyed tens of thousands of family owned restaurants and other businesses got re-elected? Wahls, Evers, Whitmer, Hochul, and the tyrant replacement Shapiro in PA? Normally, for acts like this and destroying the State economy, the people want a change and these tyrants are voted out. So, how did this come to pass being one exception and another?
In MN it got even more blue. Now, demwits control both houses, the governor, SoS, AG,.... all of it. It's election fraud everywhere. No one in MN wanted the lock-downs. No one in MI wanted it. No one in WI wanted it. By these purported votes, it would suggest the people want more of it. No way..........It's election fraud in our faces.
Excellent Warning. I believe this IS actually what will be attempted even if Trump wins in 2024 unless the lock on media is removed. Media will try to portray Trump as Fascist dictator and sleepers planted into his administration will do things to reinforce that in order to drive the narrative of "Fascist takeover, Democracy in danger, UN intervention required to remove Trump". This is why media control is important and also why Trump is Endorser and Vetter-In-Chief to remove sleepers well before 2024. This is also why it is taking so damn long.
We are winning, but remember the cabal deadline is 2030, not 2024. See UN Agenda 2030 for details of what they want to implement.