There are a lot of theories out there that this happens (Donald Marshall). If you think about it, the last we heard about cloning by the Fake News was when they created Dolly the sheep in the 70's. We would be remiss to think they just stopped cloning after that.
Theres a documentary about cloning horses for polo, in that documentary then talk about the possibility of that technology being used for humans, and how the person financing it had received requests about how to clone a certain person. In the interview they basically said that they would not do it now but wouldn’t be surprised if it became a thing in the future (I believe it’s been going on since they found out how to do it)
A few years ago there was a rumor going around that he'd been MK-Ultra'd or Droned. But this monologue reminded me of the original Dave.
Yup. Anyone else find the reference to chains interdasting? “Putcha chain back on!”
Good point. Kanye's troubles are offering the Best distraction to the real BS going on. The stolen election too, not just the crooked administration.
There are a lot of theories out there that this happens (Donald Marshall). If you think about it, the last we heard about cloning by the Fake News was when they created Dolly the sheep in the 70's. We would be remiss to think they just stopped cloning after that.
Theres a documentary about cloning horses for polo, in that documentary then talk about the possibility of that technology being used for humans, and how the person financing it had received requests about how to clone a certain person. In the interview they basically said that they would not do it now but wouldn’t be surprised if it became a thing in the future (I believe it’s been going on since they found out how to do it)
Dolly was in the late 90s.
You are correct. I thought I was remembering that from my school years but obviously it was from the school years of my now adult children (sigh).