Trump used the name Coco Chow before when talking about MItch. Mitch's wife is Elaine Chao but there is an artist/fashion designer from Singapore named Coco Chow who was born in 1987 so she's 45 years younger than Mitch.
I wonder if MItch was in Singapore in the late 90s/early 2000s and somehow met this pre-teen girl and Trump is calling him out.
Trump used the name Coco Chow before when talking about MItch. Mitch's wife is Elaine Chao but there is an artist/fashion designer from Singapore named Coco Chow who was born in 1987 so she's 45 years younger than Mitch.
I wonder if MItch was in Singapore in the late 90s/early 2000s and somehow met this pre-teen girl and Trump is calling him out.
...back to 40,000 feet... maybe... JUST MAYBE... 2020 was the sing for the Dems... 2022 was the sting for the RINOS... we'll see on Tuesday.
Trump saying to watch the wives.
Another bombshell must read investigative report by The Conservative Tree house.