Question: Am I missing something? Difference of 29,291 votes left to be counted? Unless there were more ballots cast than voters? 100% reported?
🧐 More This Data Please! 🤓

This screams fraud on every level…..Hobbs never campaigned just like Uncle Creepy Joe. No people showed up for her either.
Keep in mind, the enemy has two goals. First, to win the election by any means necessary. Second, if that fails, start a civil war, bring in the UN, "get all the dumb ones to kill each other".
Making the fraud obvious helps the second goal.
How is it that the Governor's race has more votes in than that for the Senator's race??
Shouldn't there be the same amount counted for both races being they are on the same ballots? There is a 36,856 difference.
First #'s is the Senator's race combined total of both Kelly & Masters -minus- from the ballots cast (2,326,093) & second #'s from both Hobbs & Lake from Governor's race, same thing - minus- from the ballots cast:
2,326,093 - 2,259,946 = 66,147 ~ Senator's race - Kelly & Masters
2,326,093 - 2,296,802 = 29,291 ~ Governor's race - Hobbs & Lake
66,147 - 29,291 = 36,856 ~ So 36,856 more votes in for Gov race than Senate.