...when the military stood behind him, it was a signal to us that he was devolving power, at that moment, to this silent war and the actual Q team took control. They directed every word every tweet, every speach to specifically create scenarios to out the enemy of We the People. Then arrests begin world wide INSTANTLY, because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. This entire episode of history has been carefully designed. Unfortunately, for many, we will learn the consequences of the choices we have made. Unfortunately, for some, only the brightest, most inquisitive, most strong of character will survive. The enemy planned death for all and they were too deeply entrenched to stop. This has, from its inception, been a rescue mission for the human races very survival. In the end God wins! WHAT DO YOU SAY?
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But to follow the topic, I've long been optimistic about the return to the old republic, i.e., pre-1871. I do think it's possible that Trump became president of the corporation just to liquidate it, and lead the rebuilding of the dormant U.S.A.
The USA Corp was in bankruptcy in the Northern District of Florida and it got scrubbed jan 2021. I saw it.
What do you mean by "scrubbed?" Abandoned, withdrawn, dismissed, or something else?
It was in the PACER system. Friend is a lawyer. Then it went dormant. But it didnt say dismissed or reassigned or anything like it should have. It was just blank. Case there but everything else gone.