I’m pretty sure I got a bad case of stones. I became so nauseous that I’ve had cold chills, headache, trouble breathing. I feel it in my side when I stretch or take deep breaths. I’m still urinating it’s a bit dark but not bloody. I hate feeling like this. It’s so miserable.
If you know any home remedies please share. I don’t have health insurance so the ER or home care are my only options. Walmart across the street.
Trust me on this. Most of the posts in this thread are well-intentioned, but won't help you if the diagnosis is truly kidney stones. I know, because I have had hundreds, until I learned how to manage them. Since I learned the secret, I have had very few.
You need potassium citrate, because it dissolves the stones. Before I started drinking potassium citrate, my stones were a dark, rust color, and often had sharp and pointed crystal edges. Following the potassium citrate, they turned orange in color, and were smoother. It took a few weeks to move them out of my kidneys, and now they grow at a much slower rate, most frequently just particles of sand that are easy to pass. The potassium citrate prevents the growth of the calcium crystals.
The most palatable form of potassium citrate can be found in 7Up regular or diet. I think the regular has a slightly higher concentration. If you are in dire need, as you are now, then get one of the lemonade forms of Crystal Lite. (Read the labels -- not all Crystal Lite has this as an ingredient.) That has a much higher concentration of potassium citrate, although, I can't stomach the stuff long-term.
For maintenance, drink an 8-ounce glass of 7Up daily. If you are in the dire need category, try to drink the entire half-gallon quantity of the Crystal Lite mix each day. It will work! I know!
You sound like you're "managing symptoms" rather than curing or preventing, though.
HFCS and derivatives in that soda plus whatever other processed food you're eating will continue to build toxin levels in your body.
If you're a chronic kidney stone patient, there is no cure. Doctors have no explanation, and the best you can do is manage it. I haven't had a kidney stone in over a year...knock on wood. Before, I was having them weekly, sometimes three or four in a week.
I will take whatever is "bad" in a single glass of 7Up, vs a bad kidney stone -- no question.
I feel for you. My dad had them all the time, long ago. He went on a cleanse, cut all sugars, this was before we knew about HFCS and GMO, and nearly all grains. Chicken, rice or potato and salads, fruits, lots of water. He gradually brought back some junk food he liked but kept it to a minimum. And hardly had sodas again. Never another stone.