posted ago by AbjectDynamite ago by AbjectDynamite +24 / -0

Frens - Didn't have time to post this last week. My brother-in-law works for a big company who pushed the jab. He says he had to get it to keep his job. (He's 60yrs old) Same story you guys have memorized by the thousands by now. My sister found the couch cushions jumbled up that morning after he'd left for work, but didn't think anything of it at the time. Fast forward and later that day I get a selfie text of him in a hospital gown at the ER. On his way home he drove himself to the ER, and wasn't sure he was going to make it. Said he hadn't been feeling well/normal in a while, but that particular day he realized he better get checked. ER doc says he's got an irregular heartbeat, and is referring him to a cardiologist. He was previously healthy. I can't say this is another death jab case, yet. But it does hit all the high points. I'll update again when he tells me what the cardiologist says. I know he's scared. I don't blame him. I'd be scared too. I shared protocol info with them, but who knows.