IT BEGINS: Patriots in Arizona Call for a New Legitimate Midterm Election on December 6
The Arizona election is a total mess. It’s full of corruption in almost every area. It is uncertifiable as a result. A new free and fair election is demanded. Secretary of State Katie Hobbs should have recused herself due to her running for governor in...
{Conduct a new election in Arizona on December 6, 2022: a. In person voting. b. Paper ballots. c. Identification required. d. Precinct level hand counting of ballots on December 6, 2022. e. Ballots counted at the precinct to be sealed & transported by the county sheriff to a secure location}
THIS! For all elections, to include the cracked-up 2020 election.
Just like the good ole days eh?
The county sheriff in Maricopa county is a Soros funded puppet though.