Are you RIDE OR DIE or just another fair weather supporter? I left this comment on a GA post about doomers wanting to stop supporting DT and the movement if things don’t go the way they expect… I offer this thought. Dooming is easy. Nothing worth doing is ever easy. Stay the course.

I won't stop supporting him even if his "big announcement" tonight is nothing at all, but we're all tired and weary and we need SOME kind of win, no matter how small, to assure us that things are being taken care of. If we have to wait until January 2025, or heck, maybe even January 2029, I think a lot of us will be very disappointed and annoyed. There would thoroughly be nothing left of our country.
Again, not dooming, just so tired and in need of some good news for once.
Yep. Not dooming. But realistic.I caught myself having hope for tonight. But really - it's probably going to be some big ol' nothingburger. Doesn't mean I don't support Trump. This world was always kind of a piece of shit. And Trump risked and gave more than I have. Only so much he can do.
This. So sad.