Are you RIDE OR DIE or just another fair weather supporter? I left this comment on a GA post about doomers wanting to stop supporting DT and the movement if things don’t go the way they expect… I offer this thought. Dooming is easy. Nothing worth doing is ever easy. Stay the course.

I dont know why people get all pouty about any of this. Is it not worth it no matter how long it takes? Everyone really want to run back to the rinos cause its taking a little time to right the Nation? I thought not. So why get off the MAGA/America First train? That train is why we have gotten this far and is why we will continue to grow. Leaving will send things back to the stone ages. This is our best shot at fixing things and we have to take it.
I can understand the instinct, for lack of a better term, for some to 'run home to the rinos'. It is familiar and they have talked a good game for a long time. But for me personally, CV was the game changer. While everyone's basic rights were being trampled on, small business was being destroyed, etc., they were impotent. By choice. They. Did. Nothing. The very things they proclaim to stand for, they ignored, yet they will pull out the flag and use people's patriotism and love of country to stay in power. It is like a bad boyfriend who constantly comes back and says things are really, really going to change this time, pinky swear. Sorry, not putting on my makeup to cover the bruises for you anymore.
Remember the movie Major League? When the Indians are trailing, 2-0, late in the final game, the player Pedro Cerrano, who is into voodoo, swings and misses at two pitches because he can't hit anything other than a fast ball? And the entire season, he has been defending his beliefs?
Jobu = RINOS
False analogy, no one I’ve seen is asking to “run back to the Rhinos”. It’s actually the COMPLETE OPPOSITE. Basically it’s like this,, JUST DO IT Q!