629 Looks like Gov. Abbot was playing coy for the midterms. Declares invasion at border. Authorizes NG and gunboats (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by identiynill 2 years ago by identiynill +629 / -0 109 comments download share 109 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Abbott is a real stand-up guy. 😂😂
Stop down voting this. It's funny because it's true. Stop thinking like a liberal about humor.
I personally love a good "wheels" joke, Abbot touted the line too much with the pandemic and deserves the ridicule of RINO assumptions until his track record proves otherwise, and even then we must remain suspect!
I put the /s sarcasm too….my point is…there are many people who could run for POTUS…none should other than GEOTUS… Flavor of the month: Ron
Humorless people are not exclusive to dems as I had originally thought.