Time to get the real popcorn out tonight! What kind do you like/enjoy? Let's hear your special recipes/brands/tips on making your delightful bag of popcorn! It's go time!
This is some gourmet shit!

One third cup of original Orville Redenbacher's, One heaping tablespoon of Coconut oil, medium heat. Start with a few kernels until the oil warms up enough to pop and then add the rest. Makes a nice bowlful. This was a Catherine Limbaugh recipe I heard on a broadcast years ago. I am seriously addicted to it.
We have been going with coconut oil in a stovetop stirring popper for years now, then sprayed with butter flavored oil and tossed with popcorn salt. Can't find Wabash Valley popcorn salt anywhere anymore though. It was the finest grain...