Time to get the real popcorn out tonight! What kind do you like/enjoy? Let's hear your special recipes/brands/tips on making your delightful bag of popcorn! It's go time!
This is some gourmet shit!

Skip the olive oil, and use the grease from the bacon you just cooked! Then, as it goes into the bowl, sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
No need for butter.
Oh gawd is it good!
Will try it ! Sounds Presidential : )
Agreed. Shouldn’t cook with olive oil. All about the tallow and bacon grease.
Im looking for a good tallow. But i have none locally. And refuse to buy on amazon for food produces
My Husband's Granddaddy used bacon grease popped it in a skillet with peanuts.
add garlic salt or garlic powder and it's even better!
Oh yeeeah
I would do it. Bacon grease FTW and cheesy popcorn is so good too.