Maga movent is the organization, or rather series of organizations.
We have more good leaders and politicians than ever before in our lifetimes right now and we are cleaning out the Rino's. Trump isn't dead or quitting.
Their are many strategies in play, which is why we are retaking schools and social media.
Even elections are getting cleaned up in some places, and awareness of the problem is up hugely. Rasmussen puts it at 54% of all voters see election fraud happening.
Just remember, the enemy has been at this for generations. Undoing that kind of damage takes years.
We are?
With no leader, no strategy, no organization?
Maga movent is the organization, or rather series of organizations.
We have more good leaders and politicians than ever before in our lifetimes right now and we are cleaning out the Rino's. Trump isn't dead or quitting.
Their are many strategies in play, which is why we are retaking schools and social media.
Even elections are getting cleaned up in some places, and awareness of the problem is up hugely. Rasmussen puts it at 54% of all voters see election fraud happening.
Just remember, the enemy has been at this for generations. Undoing that kind of damage takes years.