40 REALITY CHECK. You think you’re tired. This WARRIOR is exhausted… for US! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by MNisahellhole 2 years ago by MNisahellhole +40 / -0 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Yes he is, and he deserves our prayers for him and his family.
He has given up a great life for us.
No doubt, he is the hero of our time. On a positive note, I believe he can't be subpoenaed or arrested when running as a candidate.
Democrats/Deep State don’t care about the law or precedence. They will arrest him out of desperation.
Exactly. This man not only put his own life at risk, but that of his children too. Nothing we have done compare to what he has done. This man went against the deep state, and round 2 is just getting started.
He did more than his fair share. He needs a good massage.
I won't be a doomer.
I will work every day to bring a little more light and hope into this world. Whatever happens, I will keep doing the right things.
I can't control if my votes are stolen or if others cheat. What I CAN control is that I will still show up and try to make a difference.