While high IQ may seem like a curse, it is only because the planet is filled with sheep and tards. You are just gifted ( vision ) and definitely not alone. Many worldwide are right there with you. Not just this board.
We too cannot enjoy any entertainment, because when ur awake u know why " entertainment " truly exists. Bread n circuses, programming, etc. It hits different. Once u see, u can never not see. This is truly why the GA freaks the demons out. Once out of the box, u don't go back in. Just as u said.
Also friends are overrated. I've learned to embrace it, because they dumb you down, try to get you involved in useless drama and bad energy. It's like they feed on it. I think Mr. Smith stabbing Neo with his hand trying to replicate himself onto Neo. That scene is what it's like to interact with a normie.
We can't talk to normies either. It's like trying to explain quantum physics to a chimp. We are just on different levels. No matter the wording they do not have the capacity to accept and understand the red pills. Their fate is out of our hands.
I do not see lack of friends as lonely anymore. I see it as peaceful. Thankfully you have a soulmate who is awake. That is a very big deal. Imagine trying to find someone in this world nowadays or have no one physically by your side. Fk that.
Many of us here too have lost all respect and dropped many " friends " and acquaintances , especially recently. The chivi plannedemic really showed us the true colors of so many. They may have degrees, but that does not exempt them from their obvious stupidity on all other subjects not related to their studies. They are oblivious to what colleges do along with teaching you a desired subject.
Just wanted you to know that you're not alone at all. We just are strategically spread out.
If I didn’t have my husband I would’ve killed myself already. Life without friends and family is not liberating to me. I do have high IQ friends of the past who might be awake. I just haven’t kept up with them, which is my fault.
My issue is that it doesn’t require a high IQ to see what’s happening. There are smart ones who don’t notice. My dad is VERY smart but he is a Korean boomer and reads MSM and hundreds of books. He believes the rona scam and got vaccinated. My mom stood no chance because her English sucks. I had some dumb coworkers who are fully redpilled. I think the differentiating factor between us and them is a strong sense of justice. High IQ makes it easier to arrive at the truth unassisted. When I first started noticing I couldn’t shake the feeling of despair that justice wasn’t being served. I eventually found Q and it made me so happy thinking it’ll all end.
While high IQ may seem like a curse, it is only because the planet is filled with sheep and tards. You are just gifted ( vision ) and definitely not alone. Many worldwide are right there with you. Not just this board.
We too cannot enjoy any entertainment, because when ur awake u know why " entertainment " truly exists. Bread n circuses, programming, etc. It hits different. Once u see, u can never not see. This is truly why the GA freaks the demons out. Once out of the box, u don't go back in. Just as u said.
Also friends are overrated. I've learned to embrace it, because they dumb you down, try to get you involved in useless drama and bad energy. It's like they feed on it. I think Mr. Smith stabbing Neo with his hand trying to replicate himself onto Neo. That scene is what it's like to interact with a normie.
We can't talk to normies either. It's like trying to explain quantum physics to a chimp. We are just on different levels. No matter the wording they do not have the capacity to accept and understand the red pills. Their fate is out of our hands.
I do not see lack of friends as lonely anymore. I see it as peaceful. Thankfully you have a soulmate who is awake. That is a very big deal. Imagine trying to find someone in this world nowadays or have no one physically by your side. Fk that.
Many of us here too have lost all respect and dropped many " friends " and acquaintances , especially recently. The chivi plannedemic really showed us the true colors of so many. They may have degrees, but that does not exempt them from their obvious stupidity on all other subjects not related to their studies. They are oblivious to what colleges do along with teaching you a desired subject.
Just wanted you to know that you're not alone at all. We just are strategically spread out.
Maybe this will help.
If I didn’t have my husband I would’ve killed myself already. Life without friends and family is not liberating to me. I do have high IQ friends of the past who might be awake. I just haven’t kept up with them, which is my fault.
My issue is that it doesn’t require a high IQ to see what’s happening. There are smart ones who don’t notice. My dad is VERY smart but he is a Korean boomer and reads MSM and hundreds of books. He believes the rona scam and got vaccinated. My mom stood no chance because her English sucks. I had some dumb coworkers who are fully redpilled. I think the differentiating factor between us and them is a strong sense of justice. High IQ makes it easier to arrive at the truth unassisted. When I first started noticing I couldn’t shake the feeling of despair that justice wasn’t being served. I eventually found Q and it made me so happy thinking it’ll all end.