Well, here in Oklahoma we have had Voter IDs since 2010. We vote with paper ballots. Counting is done by precinct with the aid of a scanner. But precinct size is usually not more than 1200 or so. All 77 counties use the same method. Mail in ballots must be requested and are signature verified. They must be in by election day. Our early in person voting period is one of the smallest in the nation--about 3.5 days, I think. Also, OK just implemented post election Risk Limiting Audits this year.
There is no mobile voting. Not aware of much "ballot curing". And precinct locations are well defined and must be where you go to vote. Precinct officials seem to be well trained and conscientious and check IDs. As we saw this year, complaints are taken seriously and investigated immediately.
Well, here in Oklahoma we have had Voter IDs since 2010. We vote with paper ballots. Counting is done by precinct with the aid of a scanner. But precinct size is usually not more than 1200 or so. All 77 counties use the same method. Mail in ballots must be requested and are signature verified. They must be in by election day. Our early in person voting period is one of the smallest in the nation--about 3.5 days, I think. Also, OK just implemented post election Risk Limiting Audits this year.
There is no mobile voting. Not aware of much "ballot curing". And precinct locations are well defined and must be where you go to vote. Precinct officials seem to be well trained and conscientious and check IDs. As we saw this year, complaints are taken seriously and investigated immediately.
But I repeat myself often about these things.
Oh, one more thing. All 77 counties are RED.
Now you are just showing off
That is why the DS/cabal does not target OK. It is not a swing state, and also obviously has its shit together in terms of running fair elections.
Once again, I cannot overstate the importance of clean voter rolls. Overall, it sounds excellent. All states and counties should do the same.