There was a noticeable switch on Covid around the time of the trucker protests in Canada when the corporate media soon flipped to Ukraine. Since then the hysteria around Covid has been steadily decreasing, in general, and I don’t think they have the persuasion to start it back up. This is also consistent with most of the FAKE NEWS master narratives, which I’ve noticed tend to get shut down by the perpetrators after about two years. ISIS was about two years, Russian Collusion was about two years, BLM was about two years, Covid was about two years. I think they have done studies on this and don’t like to push any single 24/7 master narrative more than two years because that must be the point where they start losing more people than they maintain. But if they bait ‘n’ switch everyone on a new two-year narrative right as the old one is falling apart, people seem to reset and get locked in again.
There was a noticeable switch on Covid around the time of the trucker protests in Canada when the corporate media soon flipped to Ukraine. Since then the hysteria around Covid has been steadily decreasing, in general, and I don’t think they have the persuasion to start it back up. This is also consistent with most of the FAKE NEWS master narratives, which I’ve noticed tend to get shut down by the perpetrators after about two years. ISIS was about two years, Russian Collusion was about two years, BLM was about two years, Covid was about two years. I think they have done studies on this and don’t like to push any single 24/7 master narrative more than two years because that must be the point where they start losing more people than they maintain. But if they bait ‘n’ switch everyone on a new two-year narrative right as the old one is falling apart, people seem to reset and get locked in again.