I have now 100% accepted that the only way is for everything to go to shit. Normies have to be brought to near annihilation. I despise a lot of normies but that is the path the white hats have taken and yes it is necessary.
Americans have had it too good for too long. America needs to be reminded what true sacrifice is. The only way is for the economy to collapse.
Our society is rotten to the core. Not just the elites but the people too. Most don’t even acknowledge or understand the sacrifice people have made for this country and treat Memorial day as a day to grill, not a day to honor the fallen. For many people Thanksgiving has been kicked to the curb in order to trample people at Best Buy to get a shitty deal on a tv they don’t need while making retail workers miss time with their families. Christmas has been turned into commercialism instead of celebrating the birth of Christ and spending time with family.
Normies have neglected their children and their country to satisfy their entertainment filled lives. So the boat has to be rocked.
The normies have to have their lives destroyed and learn that at the end of the day it was their neglect that caused this.
I know many of you will hate this process but you should be thankful. The collapse of the petro dollar is inevitable. You are WAY ahead of them though. Trump has told us how bad it will get numerous times. I truly believe if you prep hard core for the next year and stack physical gold/silver you will be rich when all is said and done. $10 a gallon gas will destroy the economy. Diesel could get to $15. You have to stop bitching and prepare for this.
I understand that we are frustrated with the elections. But you have to accept this plan is for libtards and normies not us whether you like it or not. A lot of normies piss me off but the lesson has to strike deep into their hearts and souls.
Time to prepare and cowboy up cause a storm is coming. We’re anons. Battle hardened by surviving hundreds of psyops. We’ll weather the storm.
100% agree and well said.
Gotta buy gold. If your savings is in the bank, know that their value will depreciate and only gold will keep its worth solid when SHTF.
I'm at peace now. I wasn't before the announcement, and yeah abit dissappointed but who wasn't? But by the end of his speech, I realized he was speaking to normies. I realized I've graduated from class of 2022 and whatever wish list I had pre-announcement, it was really for my own selfish purposes, in order to feel vindicated, and perhaps subconsciously for a bit of drama and habbenings. But after his speech, I began to see things as a whole. Where we go one we go all isn't just for those who are awake, it includes those who are halfway there and the rest of the country. Yes, 4-6% may be lost forever, but we should aim for a higher number.
When he said glorious, I thought of friends and relatives who are still asleep and how unpleasant it is we can't even carry on decent conversation w/ people we wish we can have better connection with. The fact is the country is still very divided, and we have some ways to go. 2 years will go quickly. Even the precipe we will go through, however hard it may be, will also go quickly. When we rebuild in 2024, we will do it together..with everyone else whom we may not see eye to eye with right now. That would be glorious!
Forgive my ignorance, but in terms of buying metals what do you do with them? Keep it in your house like a mini Ft Knox? I'm obviously late to the party so I appreciate any advice from you all.
Yes. Some dealers offer to hold it for you for a fee of course, but if it isn’t in your hands do you really have it? If the SHTF are you going to ask them to mail it to you, wait a week or two, and hope that a small box that obviously has metals in it makes it to you? First thing I did was buy a safe. Do that and now you have a place to store it. Bolt it to the floor so someone can’t run out with it.
I'm in the same boat. I don't know who has good info about metals. Then there's all the crypto stuff. Everything seems suspect and grifters everywhere. I'm working 3 jobs as I refused the jab and had to change my life. Other than God and my spouse, I don't know if I can trust anyone or anything in this evil world.
You can buy gold/silver here. I've made several purchases so far. https://www.jmbullion.com/
Also, if you're into collectables you can also buy Trump & Q coins from Disme. I've got some of these too https://www.dismecoins.com/my-account/
The market is no longer normal, so advice from two years ago would be wrong. One thing doesn't change: As the monetary system collapses, you CAN be your own bank by stashing your shiny someplace safe and handy - even buried in the back yard!
The sham exchanges (COMEX and LBMA) are draining metal steadily and if nothing changes some will be empty before Spring - after operating for decades. Commercial coin and bullion dealers are experiencing physical supply shortages in many products and the retail prices are high due to scarcity.
There are many reputable on-line dealers and you can even purchase from Walmart at a discount, with your order filled and shipped by APMEX out of Oklahoma City (reputable). There are many reputable online dealers with competitive pricing so do some research.
You can learn much from /r WallStreetSilver - and the group has good crossover to GAW. Mostly based people.
My personal strategy at this point is to focus on the greatest weight for the lowest price. I don't care if it's rounds or bars - I want to bulk up.
Many people purchase from their LCS - Local Coin Shops with great success. (I don't but many do).
It's my personal opinion that we're not far from the point of silver being almost 'unobtanium' due to price and availability. Do research, but do it quickly. Then act.
Just information here - not advice. Research, but quickly.
I can vouch for APMEX. Great timely delivery on three separate orders so far. I'm basically gonna keep ordering from them periodically until SHTF.
Hide it well. False walls. Disguised as other things. I heard someone disguised some as doorstops.