My first red flag was enough to get me completely off their train and it happened very early on. We were all questioning what was going on in the first weeks, was there a danger or not? The hand washing and sanitizing stuff seemed ok UNTIL I happened to hear a discussion on hand washing. You know that thing surgeons do in a specific way for a specific amount of time to ensure there are no germs left? Yeah, that thing. We were told it makes no difference if it is hot or cold water. I was like WUT?!?! BASIC! I knew then and there that none of this was serious.
My first red flag was enough to get me completely off their train and it happened very early on. We were all questioning what was going on in the first weeks, was there a danger or not? The hand washing and sanitizing stuff seemed ok UNTIL I happened to hear a discussion on hand washing. You know that thing surgeons do in a specific way for a specific amount of time to ensure there are no germs left? Yeah, that thing. We were told it makes no difference if it is hot or cold water. I was like WUT?!?! BASIC! I knew then and there that none of this was serious.